Research activities will be carried out in the four work packages (WPs). The urban analytical platform (WP2, Qingquan Li, SZU) serves as a technical foundation for the entire project. Based on this platform, innovative data processing methods will be developed for cross-border, cross-sector and multi-source mega-city region data. WP3 (Mike Batty, UCL) will develop indices for evaluating different aspects of social inclusion and inequality. WP4 (Eric Koomen, VUA) will develop advanced urban (LUTI) simulation models. A methodological innovation is to advance the state-of-the-art urban models by adding socioeconomic indicators and to include new data sets. In WP5 (Suhong Zhou, SYSU), three planning and policy scenarios will be defined and implemented addressing most critical issues in mega-city region management, namely, cross-border flows, the spatial mismatch of jobs-housing, and the locational choice of urban regeneration sites.